Morrisville Public Library - Addition
Detail at clerestory windows
The addition to the library is designed to provide the spaces required of a 21st century library, while allowing the historic building to “quiet down” and be used for less stressful activities.
The new addition includes:
New stacks area for both children and adults.
New entrance which provides accessibility to the library spaces.
Program room
Book sale area
Accessible rest rooms
The project has been carefully coordinated with the library staff, and the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Office, the library’s primary funding source.
The Morrisville Public Library Project in, Morrisville,
New York, designed by Teitsch-Kent-Fay Architects, P.C., involved a significant addition to the existing historic house, to allow the Library to provide a full range of services
Specific attention was required to coordinate the new addition with the historic structure and limited site.